We work together with several partners
To breed or to market new varieties.
- Borst Flowers was founded in 2008 and breeds 5 hectares of peonies every year. It mainly focuses on the newer range. These are about 40 varieties. The flowers are cut in the spring and part of the cuttings are sold in the autumn. The company is always looking for exclusive varieties with properties that are important to both the grower and the consumer.
- Southern Peony: by growing peonies in the southern hemisphere we can produce cut flowers during the months of December, January and February.
- Peony Breeding v.o.f.: Borst Bloembollen is co-owner of the peony breeding combination Peony Breeding v.o.f. The other shareholders are Tulip Trade and Borst Flowers.

- Quality brand Decorum Plants & Flowers has been a household name in the international specialist trade since 1999.
A club of specially selected, passionate flower & plant growers forms the basis.
Decorum Plants & Flowers is a growers’ cooperative with more than 50 members. Together, these growers market more than 4000 products under the brands Decorum and Feel Green. Decorum stands for quality, durability and innovation.
Decorum focuses on flower exporters, garden centres, florists and the retail market. Decorum is a flower and plant brand for everyone, from consumers to exporters and from garden centres to florists. Decorum Company has the ambition to have all its members at least Global or MPS-Gap certified. Borst Bloembollen also has a Global-Gap certificate.